Monday, May 11, 2015

May is all about #digital at SWIBN...

This month at SWIBN, we're talking about all things digital - from photography and driving online sales, to smarter ways of working your social media output.

We're really delighted to be showcasing the abundant digital talent we have in Sligo, and indeed, within our membership - our three speakers are none other than: Sue Bourke [Digital Cascade], Marie Brouder [Brouder Design] and Aoife Porter [Bua Marketing].  All three professionals bring a wealth of knowledge across a whole range of digital topics... so don't miss out!

Booking is now open over at our Eventbrite page - and as always, #SWIBNTuesdays take place on the last Tuesday of the month, in the GlassHouse Hotel, 7-9 p.m.