Monday, October 12, 2015

Making time to be #mindful... #SWIBNTuesday October focus

We can all be accused of not making time to do things that are good for us... going to the gym, creating some "me" time to read, meditate or simply treat ourselves to something restorative.

The benefits of mindfulness are well-proven and increasingly, form the basis of much debate and discussion when it comes to stress management, wellness and general health.  This month, SWIBN is taking a more holistic look at our working lives by applying mindful practices to the everyday stressors we all deal with.

Mindfulness is beneficial as it enables us to get in touch with their thoughts feelings behaviours and body sensations.  We can take the time to "come back", get perspective and make the decision that’s best.

Our guest speaker is Nollag Cullinan, Nollag holds an MSc in Occupational Health Degree in nursing studies (2000), she is a qualified Psychotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural therapist, and has completed a Diploma in Sivannanda Yoga & Mindfulness. Nollag also works as a CBT practitioner, delivering stress management training in multinational organisations, Abbott, Laya Healthcare, PGI, RCI, Morgan Stanley and Medtronic.

To book your spot for this months' #SWIBNTuesday, just head over here.